
Eureka. Slowing down to speed up.

For sales and marketing professionals, few of us have positions or jobs that are simply task-based. And doing even more tasks is a tough way to increase your personal productivity. We can also think of productivity as dependent on creativity. Yet creativity is the Chinese handcuffs of thinking. What can we do?

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Values and Goals

I was talking with the COO of a small professional services firm the other day that had experienced 100% growth over the last year. When I asked him how he managed that spectacular growth, he said he’d hired thirty-one people during the year. He might have interviewed three or four times that many.

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What’s Your Value PrXpXsitiXn?

In my experience, too many sales people simply take the value proposition given by marketing and restate it to the prospect. This is the worst use of a value proposition. If you are in Marketing and you enable your sales team this way, then you are not helping.

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Web Tactics Versus Web Strategy

Share Let’s say that you are a drug store owner in a small town.  Business has been good, but the freeway has just bypassed Old Route 7, which runs through town and past your store.  In addition, the town mine has played out, and people are moving away.  What do you do? This is essentially […]

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Blog Mills. Really?

Yesterday, I had a colleague send me a link to a site that offers to write your blog for you. The price was very reasonable, an introductory offer of $68.75 per blog! He asked for my reaction.

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Trigger Events and Five Steps to a Better First Impression

How long do you think you have to make a good first impression? Yes, the number may depress a few of the less confident out there. Various studies say the number ranges from three seconds to thirty seconds. Further, these impressions then often guide other’s opinions of us regardless of how hard we work to change them. Even in the digital world, many inbound and outbound marketers forget the axiom about first impressions.

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Is Your Marketing and Sales Approach a Product of Weakest Links?

Marketing Lead Generation Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota AtlantaWould you show up on a first date by bringing an engagement ring and your parents along? While this may be a custom in some countries, it could be interpreted as intrusive or presumptuous in our culture. Courtship takes some finesse, and often requires a number of steps. Often the best approach is the product of each of these steps. So why should it be any different with inbound and outbound marketing, or sales?

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