Tag Archive: Marketing Skills

Help Wanted! Looking for a DARC Person.

A while ago, Hubspot wrote an interesting e-book called, “Hiring in the DARC Ages… Are the Right People on Your Marketing Team? I recommend the e-book, and you can download it here.

The essence of the article is that the characteristics of successful inbound marketers are represented by the categories: Digital, Analytic, Reach and Content. In other words, D= Hire Digital Citizens, A= Hire for Analytical Chops, R= Hire for Web Reach and C= Hire Content Creators. My current client is looking for such a marketing person.

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The Market Crashes! Quick…What Does Marketing Do?

When I checked my finance page yesterday after the market dropped six hundred points, I saw something that reminded me of the need to quickly market to the event. There was a pop-up ad promoting the book of some guy who predicted the last crash. There was also an ad for gold. These people were marketing to an event. Their response time for their campaign was several hours.

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Spoiled Chickens?

When my daughter was fourteen, she said, “Dad, I’m going to Central America next summer for three months.” There was no implied request for permission. I wrote it off to youthful fantasy. It made no sense for a fourteen year old to go alone and live in a small village in the mountains of Central America. Her mother was vehemently against the idea, logically outlining the risks from disease and rape to snakes and revolution. But in the end, my daughter used one argument to persuade us to “let her go.” An argument that I don’t hear enough of from marketers and corporations.

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Thirty Things to Do Before, During and After Your Webinar – Part III

Share Part III: After the Webinar Congratulations, you just completed a major webinar event.   You had reasonable attendance, there were no technical glitches and the audience was engaged.   You should be able to relax, but here are a few other things you may want to consider: 1. Tell your audience about upcoming webinars. Before you […]

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30 Things To Do Before, During, and After Your Webinar – Part I

Webinars or web clinics are ubiquitous. Their growth is a result of automation, the need for cost effectiveness, and our limited bandwidth. I think they also are a way for prospects to get information without having to face a sales person. As effective as they are, I’ve been an attendee at many webinars that just don’t cut it. Either there were technical issues, or the subject matter was too dull, or they had some other issue. Putting on a good webinar takes skill. Here are a few tips to help.

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Passion, Measurement and Heisenberg

In quantum physics, the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is often misstated so as to imply that simultaneous measurements of both the position and momentum cannot be made. The same is true of some very essential human traits. Measurement kills them.

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Are You Fukushima-ing Your Emails?

The purpose of the email is to gradually step a person into your nurturing cycle. Giving them everything in the email is like showing up on a first date with your family and a proposal for marriage. Email nurturing should be more like Ravel’s Boléro.

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Dunbar’s Number, Connections and Stocking’s Number

I get a lot of requests on LinkedIn and other social media for connections. What’s interesting to me is that very often these requests come with no introduction other than the standard boilerplate request. This leaves me trying to guess why the person wants to connect. Without any information I have to guess and then decide if I want to connect. So what criteria should I use for deciding?

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