Tag Archive: Marketing

Think Like a Client

In Norman Maclean’s, A River Runs Through It, he tells a story of two brothers growing up in rural Montana and fishing the Big Blackfoot River in Montana. (The book is a lyrical and beautiful story, and I highly recommend the book over the movie.) In one passage, the older brother, Norman, after watching his younger brother Paul catch an enormous fish and being swept into the rapids, remembers….

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Do You Have Customers or Clients?

I bought a pair of hiking poles from REI for a trek across the Grand Canyon. I used them on a couple of warm up runs in the high desert on dusty hikes when I discovered that the locking mechanisms began failing. Was I a disappointed customer or a disappointed client? Marketers need to think about this question, “Do we have clients or customers?”

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CEOs: Call Your Company – Access to Experts Part II

The other day I needed to get a quote on a service costing tens of thousands of dollars. I visited a website of a well known vendor, spent five minutes trying to find the information I needed, then looked for the contact us page. The “Contact Us” page had no phone number, only an email form. Looking further, I finally found a number and called. VPs of Marketing, what will your CEO find when he calls his own company?

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Tattoos, Group Think, and The Road to Abilene – Part 2

A recent experiment and research at the Weizmann Institute by Prof. Yadin Dudai and his students may show why we are suseptible to group pressure. So what do you do when everyone around the conference table nods in agreement to an idea that no one individually would agree to?

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The Market Crashes! Quick…What Does Marketing Do?

When I checked my finance page yesterday after the market dropped six hundred points, I saw something that reminded me of the need to quickly market to the event. There was a pop-up ad promoting the book of some guy who predicted the last crash. There was also an ad for gold. These people were marketing to an event. Their response time for their campaign was several hours.

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You Can’t Tweet a Whitepaper- Part 1 of Content Strategy and Tactics

I heard someone say, “Marketing is just publishing.” And if this is true, then the saying “Content is king,” should also be true. The question is… does your king have clothes? And is he dressed appropriately?

In thinking about content I’ve come up with four key elements and a set of questions you can ask yourself about each to see how well-dressed your king is.

The four elements are: 1) Creation, 2) Quality, 3) Focus and 4) Media. Marketing’s job is not content creation…

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Thirty Things to Do Before, During and After Your Webinar – Part III

Share Part III: After the Webinar Congratulations, you just completed a major webinar event.   You had reasonable attendance, there were no technical glitches and the audience was engaged.   You should be able to relax, but here are a few other things you may want to consider: 1. Tell your audience about upcoming webinars. Before you […]

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