How Well Do You Perform on this Landing Page Design Test?


Marketing and Lead Generation Consulting Minneapolis St Paul Minnesota AtlantaBuilding on the theme of the differences between tools, work and craftsmanship, I’ve developed the following test on landing page design. Typically, landing pages are the destination point for email or other campaigns where the prospect lands as a result of a click, in order to learn more, or take some action.

Design is a craft. There are lots of tools for design that make it easy for anyone to create a landing page. However, creating a well-designed B2B landing page takes much more than just an easy tool. Results are measureable in forms filled, actions taken, and leads generated. This test is based on my experience, my failures and other sources. While I would prefer to use images, the test is reduced to 15 short A/B questions. While there are exceptions to every rule, please select the A or B you used on your most recent page. Be honest.

Q1: A. Multiple calls to action?
B. Single call to action?

Q2: A. Use of a hand full of form fields?
B. Detailed form to get needed one time visit information?

Q3: A. Always include your privacy policy?
B. Always include your privacy statement?

Q4: A. Prominent masthead displaying your logo?
B. Small masthead displaying your logo?

Q5: A. Form on right?
B. Form on left?

Q6: A. A/B testing?
B. Fast launch through single version?

Q7: A. Links to supporting materials?
B. No links to supporting materials?

Q8: A. Large action button?
B. Large submit button?

Q9: A. Pre-Population of forms?
B. No population of forms?

Q10: A. Bullets?
B. Good explanations?

Q11: A. More than three images?
B. Less than three images?

Q12: A. Question based headlines?
B. Action based statements?

Q13: A. Trust symbols or testimonials?
B. Being a world leader?

Q14: A. Dense pack efficient use of space?
B. Light pack efficient use of space?

Q15: A. Word?
B. Words?

For answers, a discussion and scores… see my next post.

Lee Stocking
Prairie Sky Group
Making Sales Cry With Qualified Leads
651-357-0110 (Cell24x7)

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