New Year’s Resolutions?


Marketing and Lead Generation Minneapolis MinnesotaI’m not a big fan of New Year’s resolutions.  The way I figure it, if you don’t have the discipline to decide to do something or not during the year, then a resolution is not going to help.  Resolutions are mostly about things that weren’t important enough to begin with or we would have done them.  Indeed, most of us abandon by February, what we resolved to do on January 1.

On the other hand, I do believe in spending time reflecting on your marketing, sales or personal plans.   Every year, I take a week off to do this.   Yes, really, a whole week. I do this in a one-room cabin in the north woods.  Removed from the distractions of emails, meetings, kids, or whatever other personal demons you may possess; the pace of life changes, and the mind calms.  I read, I hike, I sleep when I want, I listen to music, and eat simple meals.  I don’t use my cell phone or talk to others.  It’s a week of silence.   If I’m lucky, I may find out something about myself.  I may find out what I thought I wanted was not what I really wanted.  Or I may find myself, asking new a new question that leads me down another path.

It works for me.  It may not for you, but it’s worth trying to find our what allows you to gain perspective.  Otherwise, you can try making New Year’s resolutions.

Do Great Things!

Lee Stocking
Prairie Sky Group
Making Sales Cry With Qualified Leads
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)

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