When you drive top line revenue growth, you need to fix what’s needs improvement first. In our experience, that is either strategy, marketing, or sales. It’s never just one thing, because they are interdependent. Select the wrong strategy and no amount of sales and marketing will help. That’s why we first identify the problem, then we roll up our sleeves and correct it. Unlike many consulting firms, we believe that you are best served by actions and not just recommendations.
Prairie Sky Group offers services in each of the following areas guided by the questions in each section.

Ask these questions:
Can we articulate our strategy to the team?
Do we understand our customers needs?
Do we understand our differentiation?
What’s the risk if we get it wrong?
Is it worth it if we win?
Services Offerings:
Strategy Facilitation
Strategy Development
Competitive Research
Voice of Customer

Ask these questions:
Does my marketing team support sales?
Are we generating qualified leads?
Is our message clear?
Do we have a plan and can we execute?
Are we using the right tools?
Services Offerings:
Market Planning, Go-to-Market, Segmentation
Content Development
Inbound Marketing
Email and Outbound Marketing
Lead Generation

Ask these questions:
Are my sales growing fast enough?
Do we really know why we are wining or losing?
Do we have a sales strategy?
Do we have a sales process
Are my people trained?
Do they have the data and information they need?
Services Offerings:
Sales Hiring
Win/Loss Analysis
Sales Process Development
Sales Force Automation