Building Blocks for Internet Marketing


Here’s a model I’ve developed to think about the four basic building blocks for inbound Internet marketing: 1) Content, 2) Contacts and 3) Tools, all of which are first surrounded by a clear and concise #4; Messaging.

The first building block is Content.  Without content there really is no value you can provide or conversation that you can construct with prospects.  In Quid pro Nada, I outlined the value of giving away useful information.  Development of valuable content to share is often the major bottleneck of companies today and should be the first priority of CMOs.  However, content is driven by thought leadership and that is the responsibility of the CEO and part guiding corporate brand.

The second building block is Contacts.  Contacts are relevant to both Inbound and Outbound marketing, particularly in Email marketing.  Choosing segments is the first step (Segmentation) and helps refine messaging by targeting specific messages to specific prospects.

The last building block is Tools. These can be Search Engine Optimization tools and processes, Pay per Click services, Sales Force Automation or even Email Marketing which is more an Outbound Marketing tool.  Unfortunately, tools are often the first building block chosen as a result of the Silver Bullet phenomenon (link).  Though sometimes selecting a tool, catalyzes the need for content, segmentation and messaging.

The checklist before you begin:

  1. Has messaging been developed and tested?
  2. Is the segmentation identified (and the messaging developed for each segment)?
  3. Is the tool appropriate to the task?
  4. Finally, do I have a plan to integrate these in a measureable inbound campaign?

Thanks.  Do great things.

Lee Stocking
Prairie Sky Group
Making Sales Cry with Qualified LeadsSM
651-357-0110 (Cell 24×7)

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